
postheadericon Malco FCFG 5-Inch to 8-Inch Exposure Fiber Cement Siding Facing Gauge

Buy Malco FCFG 5-Inch to 8-Inch Exposure Fiber Cement Siding Facing Gauge Web Store

Malco FCFG 5-Inch to 8-Inch Exposure Fiber Cement Siding Facing Gauge Specification

  • More accurate and easier to use than home made wooden blocks
  • Adjustable for use on 5, 6, 7, and 8 inch exposures
  • Easily held with one hand while steadying new plank for nailing
  • Made from durable weather resistant nylon.
  • Can be used with FCG2 overlap gauge for one person installations

Malco FCFG 5-Inch to 8-Inch Exposure Fiber Cement Siding Facing Gauge Overview

Fiber Cement Siding Facing Gauge, Adjustable For Precise 5", 6", 7" Or 8" Exposure, Gauge Block Easily Snaps Into Desired Exposure Position Without Use Of Tools Or Fasteners, Easily Held With One Hand While Steadying New Plank For Nailing.


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