
postheadericon PacTool International SS414 Fiber Cement Curve Shear

Discount PacTool International SS414 Fiber Cement Curve Shear Online

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PacTool International SS414 Fiber Cement Curve Shear Features

  • Cuts fiber-cement siding up to 5/16" thick
  • Not for straight cuts
  • Smooth, fast cuts with no airborne dust
  • Based on a 1/2" 6.5-amp motor.
  • Reversible blades machined from solid tool steel

PacTool International SS414 Fiber Cement Curve Shear Overview

Here's the leanest, cleanest, meanest new machine for cutting fiber-cement siding. We call it the WhipperSnapper because it lets you whip through tight scroll-like curves. Cut 90-degree corners, and turn on a dime for holes as small as 1-inch in diameter. WhipperSnapper works like a jigsaw-- except there's no dust or fuss, and you don't chew up blades ever few feet like you do with jigsaws.

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